The Sin that Turned Angels into Demons: And How to Protect Yourself From It
by Tim Zello

Chapter 3
 Preparing for Battle

One day the disciples got into an argument over which of them would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus, knowing their thoughts, brought a little child to his side. 
Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes my Father who sent me.  Whoever is the least among you is the greatest” (Luke 9:46-48, Matthew 18:1).

The disciples were concerned about future aspirations and spiritual things (heaven), but their thinking was earthly. 

Jesus corrected them by teaching a simple lesson: Don’t try to achieve greatness like other people do.  Don’t try to make a name for yourselves.  Don’t seek after a position.  If you want greatness then serve one another, especially those under you.

Jesus not only taught the disciples how to fight the war against pride, he exemplified it.  Before Jesus was betrayed and crucified, he washed his disciples feet.  He even washed the feet of the person who was about to betray him.  This was an ultimate act of humility.

There is a threefold strategy for effectively fighting pride.  Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to discern, disarm, and destroy pride’s ten[i] means of victory in our lives.   If we destroy its ammunition then the weapon of pride will be rendered useless and we will win battle after battle.  If enough battles are won, we will win the war!

[i]Originally listed in a Pentecostal Evangel article (October 10, 1999) entitled “Humility or Holiness”by Andrew Murray.