Dear Tim and Michelle,                                      Trained in March, 2008

We have been very excited to learn of the organization you are leading. The work you do brings hope, builds self-confidence and introduces life skills. This is exactly what we are looking for.

We (Swaziland) now hold the dubious title of leading the largest pandemic known to mankind in modern history, with the highest HIV AIDS percentages in the world. A whole generation is being destroyed. Previous pandemics would wipe out the weak. This one is attacking the strong, the income generating age group. It is leaving the weak and the orphaned to live alone, unprotected and without an income or the ability to procure food; pay for an education, let alone dream of a future with a hope. It is in this environment that transactional sex has become a reality, needing to provide sex for food. Jewels 4 God can help empower the youth to be more financially independent and secure in being able to secure their future.

Please consider coming to Swaziland and teaching our foster mothers, who are responsible for caring for 8-10 orphans each. The foster mothers will then teach the children they care for these same skills, when they are old enough to learn, as a potential trade. The products would then be sold through stores in tourist sites in Swaziland.

We believe in providing youth a second chance. We believe that changed people, change people. We see the results. Life is a precious gift to be lived to the full.

We are striving to become self-sustainable and not donor dependant.

For some time now we have been looking for a method to provide the house mothers of the Children’s homes, both at Hawane and Bulembu, a means of generating income for their foster homes and the children they care for. We believe that Jewels 4 God is the ideal solution to this, and are very excited at the prospect of these wonderful ladies being trained in a creative vocational skill that will build self-esteem in them, as they actively contribute towards the running expenses of their homes, in addition to demonstrating to the children the important principle of becoming self-supporting by utilizing the talents and abilities God has placed in each of them. It would be our aim that the mothers would, in turn, train the children in their care, in jewelry and textile making, that they might learn from an early age a vocational skill that will give them a hope and a future.

God bless you both, and thank you for all you do.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Ward
Executive Director
The Lighthouse
Teen Challenge, Swaziland
visit website 

Mail Donations to:                                  Or Donate Via Credit Card:   
Jewels 4 God                                          Call: 540-972-9166
218 Cornwallis Ave.                                  
Locust Grove, VA   22508